Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Teachable Moments

Sometimes life is difficult...

And there are moments when you're going to get really upset...

And you might even cry...

When people don't understand you...

And your sense of security and comfort are gone...

Hold on, because it is temporary. And it will pass...

You will again feel safe...

And you will again feel loved...

I was trying to give this little pep talk to Zachary today as he fell apart during the fifty minutes of life without his blanket by his side. (It was beyond filthy). And as I was stumbling through a difficult day myself, I realized I maybe should listen to my own advice.

Thankfully, my security isn't found in a blue, smelly blanket...it's found in a sovereign, personal God...who loves me. And at the end of the day, when my little world seems totally overwhelming, I can go to bed knowing that He holds me closer than my son will hold his clean blanket tonight.

Someday, I will tell Zachary all of this...but for now, he can think the world revolves around a currently-not-quite-so-smelly, blue blanket.