Monday, February 1, 2010


What could possibly endear you to a country, a people, a culture more than the feeling you have in your heart when you receive in the mail your first international, French speeding ticket! I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask Phil that question (WHEW!!!)

Forty five Euro (60 bucks) for going thirteen kmph (7 miles an hour) over the limit. He was caught by one of the many speed cameras posted all along the autoroute (highways). I've heard you can get a ticket mailed to you for going just one to two kmph over the posted limit. Phil said tonight he hopes we don't get more letters streaming in from the French Republic--the return address on the envelope. I guess the trip to Germany just got a little bit more expensive. But cheez-its and diet coke still make it totally worth it.

It's been a true to form case of the Mondays happening not realizing until today while standing in line with all my groceries that my debit card which I use for everything had expired yesterday, then being stuck in parking garage with NO cash, no credit cards and no way to get out (oh yeah, and no ability to explain myself out of it), babysitters falling through, and plumbing problems at our house...the speeding ticket was just the icing on the cake for the day. It's been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...some days are like that, even in France.

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