Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First Impressions of French Fashions: Les Enfants

The rainbow of colored hoodies I have in my closet totally disqualifies me from this discussion. My daily uniform usually includes one of them with a pair of jeans...and some "little" sneakers (as opposed to my clunkier running shoes). If I feel like dressing up, I'll throw on a pair of earrings. And that's about it. So French fashion has been another aspect of life here that has thrown me for a loop. (And for the record it probably belongs there with the likes of how lost I feel that I don't speak French---the category called "what did I expect, it is France!")

Anyway, so here is how I would dress Lily back in the US--and this would qualify as a "dressy" outfit. A Target knit, print dress, some tights, and maryjane-ish shoes, and Voila! Oh my word, I cannot describe to you how much an outfit like this stands out on the playgrounds here!

For starters, she is wearing bright colors. A huge "no no" for the future runway models in training. Secondly, she is not properly layered. One slip dress and tights--she might as well be naked! How unencumbered she must feel. And thirdly, the fabric...I'm pretty sure they don't make soft cotton (aka knits) in these parts of the word. Little French girls (like from the time they can walk all the way up) stroll through grocery stores, run on the sidewalks, and play on the playgrounds in layer upon layer of muted, solid colored, close fitting clothes. Little four year olds with knee high boots and belts around their sweaters makes me want to pull the hood up on my hoodie and hide my poorly dressed self!

And while in the States I wouldn't care less about issues like these, here I feel this huge desire to fit in and become accepted as part of the group. So after two weeks of watching the endless fashion parade of marching little kids, I bought Lily her first French outfit. Short skirt, warm tights, muted pink turtleneck, and a sweater...and if I loved her more I would have splurged for the boots, but I just couldn't spend 60Euro (95 Bucks) on freakin shoes for a four year old. I don't even have knee high boots (I will post my own fashion dilemma story later on). And here is the result.

She doesn't look any happier. And she doesn't have a single new friend because of this, but somehow, I'm hoping it might take the edge of our "American-ness". And who wouldn't want to be friends with this adorably sweet, precious girl...no matter how she's dressed.

Oh yeah, and here's Zack...we have a lot of fashion work to do with him, too! Although, we'll have to save up, I spent too much on Lily's outfit!

PS--We saw four houses today...three are "no's", but one is strong possibility. We're hoping to see one more house on Friday. Please keep praying God will guide us to the house He wants us at!


  1. Lily.. when you grow out of that outfit, how about you pass it along to Aunt Kimmy?! Callie's good on clothing, but Aunt Kimmy really digs your sweater:). You must be the cutest girl at the playground. Love and miss you tons.
    ps... Christmas is coming, and I bet Santa would love to get you some pricey boots.

  2. I love catching up through your blog. Thanks for posting...
