Hour by hour--especially very late hours into the night--we're settling into the house. The mess has subsided to the point now that I'm itching to buy a Christmas tree and get all the decorations up. I'm really want to set up a tree and have a somewhat normal Christmas.
Anyway, here are some pictures and descriptions of a couple of my most favorite features of the house.
First off, is the yard. It doesn't look like anything now, but it's winter, and in spring you can bet I'll be planting up a storm in the retaining walls. Some sprawling, cascading flowers will help soften the edges of what now kinda looks like a fortress. And there is a nice, open space for grass--which the kids will love. Also there are patios and terraces that surround the entire house, perfect for bikes, scooters and trikes.

You know you're a Mom when the second most exciting feature of a house is a laundry room. This is my FIRST laundry room of my married life! So, so exciting! I can close the door and have clothes stacked to the ceiling and no one will have to know. Also I'm thrilled to have a dryer. The US military offers free, loaner appliances to people living in Europe (because most homes don't come with ANY appliances and they are SO expensive and wouldn't be movable back to the States). Anyway, the washer and dryer were delivered with our all our furniture. Phil got them hooked up right away...and I'm happy to say, for the first time in seven weeks, I'm drying my first pair of jeans...I LOVE the feeling of tight jeans out of the dryer! It keeps me honest in my running.

Also helpful in my effort to stay organized is the set of double door closets right inside the front door. Winter coats, hats, shoes, and a lot of other stuff we don't know what to do with, now all have a happy home.

There are three bedrooms upstairs in the house. The master room has an attached dressing room and an attached full bathroom. The bedrooms all have vaulted ceilings with wood beams running across them. Our bedroom has French doors which lead out to a nice size balcony, big enough for a chair or two.

Lily's room also has the beautiful beams in the ceiling and a door leading out to a larger terrace. I purposefully did not give Zachary this room because I had visions of him throwing himself off the roof in a couple of months.
Back to the pile-moving-shuffle...the last bit of stuff always seems to take forever to put away. Which is why I'm completely bored by it and ready to move onto another project--Christmas decorations.
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