Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Case of the Pre-Mondays

Just checking in to say I'm sorta having a serious case of the I'm not really into writing about much right now. There have been a couple of noteworthy events, which I will get to this week, but on this Sunday night, I'm just not capable of the undertaking at the moment.

In happy news... not everyone can rave and brag about their mother-in-law, but I can. She is here with us now, walking Lily to school, and spending the mornings with Zachary so I can continue at the language school...she does the dishes, and folds my laundry and doesn't mind my less-than-spotlessly-clean-house and thrown-together-meals. She is an enormous help and blessing.

But as I saw her US money that she was careful to keep separate from the Euros in her wallet, I had a crushing wave of homesickness come over me. She gets to go home after three weeks here with "normal" stuff. But we've barely put a dent into our three YEAR commitment to this place. And three years is feeling like a very, very long time right now.

Things at my language school are going fine. I felt I made tons of progress in the first two weeks, but I'm feeling like my speaking has plateaued right now. Most weekdays I walk out the doors of the school with a little bit of confidence, but on days like today, after three hours at our little church, I realize how little I know. I am confronted again with how helpless I am to get my point across...and it just frustrating...and exhausting...and demoralizing...

So, on this Sunday night, I'm missing America. I'm missing English. I'm missing my family. I'm missing have US dollars in my wallet. I'm missing the predictable comforts of "normal". And since my mother-in-law has known me since I was thirteen-- and watched me grow up through middle school, braces, boyfriends (HER son), college transfers, wedding planning and babies being born-- this won't be the first time she sees me a little bit emotional. I guess her being here is a just enough of a taste of "normal" that it makes me miss all the rest!

I will resume funny commentary on French happenings in our lives this week...tonight, I'm just having a pity party for myself.

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