Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sunny with a Little Sadness

It's been only four weeks, and the home-coming-honeymoon isn't anywhere close to being over. The kids love making pancakes on Saturday mornings with their Daddy.

And on Saturday afternoons, I love having leisurely French lunches with rosé. We were just settling into a nice family rhythm again. But the party is coming to an abrupt end tomorrow...

Right now our bedroom is filled with suitcases and pieces of uniforms as Phil learned Friday that he will be leaving with his French ship to head to Libya Sunday. Great. How long, we don't know? We're guessing three to six weeks. But who knows, in general, the French public support for the mission seems to be lacking.

It's a sunny day in Southern France. But the deployment, or "depointment" (as Lily calls it) cloud looms large again in this house.

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